Today is the
United States Marines' 242nd birthday.
Dead Files' Detective Steve Di Schiavi
served as a Marine. Semper Fi!
Tomorrow is Veterans Day.
My daddy Seaman Jeff Toll, Sr,
was a Naval medic in Vietnam.
He saved many Marines.
He served on the USS Benner.
As someone who was raised in a military family,
I know the sacrifice.

I am grateful to all who have served. When my daughter was little and said there are no such thing as superheroes, I replied "Of course there are,
there are some in our family."
Chloe and I want to send our love and appreciation to all who have served.
Thank you. HOO-RAH!
Here is a link to a video I made.
It features the Veterans from my family,
but it's a thank you to all our heroes.