Saturday, June 13, 2015


"Uh, oh!" is how Amy begins her walk...this can't be good. She says a lot of bad things happened in the trees.
The client tells Steve she feels the house caused her divorce. Since they moved in, her husband became moody and addicted to pain medicine. She's also been getting angry a lot and has been taking pain medicine herself.
Amy found a dead woman who was trying to drive the living woman insane. This spirit sits on the client and beats her. She also found a dead man who had found a kindred spirit in the living woman's ex-husband. 
Steve interviewed the clients daughters. They've seen a woman and creatures, as well as been touched and scratched. One of them has also seen a little girl in an old-timey pink dress.
Amy was unable to go into one of the children's rooms but doesn't know why. Looking in there, she's seen a humanoid creature that can change it's size, walk on 2 or 4 legs, and is usually attached to someone going through an addiction til they die and tortures their souls for eternity.
Doing his homework, Steve found out that the first property owner was a woman who turned her assets over to her husband. When she felt he was miss handling everything, she sued and won her property back. Her husband was in the Navy when he was 11 and got kicked out for stealing from them. Then he went into the Army at the age of 12, but no one know why he was discharged from there. For many years after that, he was a mercenary for 5 other countries. When a former business partner post some bad stuff about him in the newspaper, he went to go shoot him. But he was shot 4 times and killed instead. Their daughter had drowned.
Amy sensed that the man in the tree was involved with the military. He told her that he saw many horrible things that made him not right in the head. Although, he doesn't deny at least part of him enjoyed it. Amy was also tugged by a little girl whom she felt had drowned near by.
During the reveal, Amy discusses her walk while Steve talks about the information he's found. Then the sketches are presented. 
Amy explained what the creature is to the client and to the ex-husband/father. The father said that he was addicted to pain pills. Amy said the entity is probably pissed he got clean because now it can't have him so he's moving on to an easier target. The mother admitted that she's currently taking pain pills. Amy said they can get a medium to cleanse the place of the dead, but getting rid of the entity is in their hands. They both need to give up the pain meds. 
This was an emotional episode. I hope they go back with Dead Files Revisited. Until next week, my friends...


  1. Amy is absolutely phenominal! She looks beautiful! Steve is always his handsome self and they really compliment each other! I love the reveals! Live to see what Amy has found on her walks! Great show!

  2. Amy is absolutely phenominal! She looks beautiful! Steve is always his handsome self and they really compliment each other! I love the reveals! Live to see what Amy has found on her walks! Great show!

  3. What is that type of entity called? And where can I get any info on the types of entities she comes acrossed? That one drawing scares the cap out of me, and what she says it does sound even worse! I have a bad feeling something like that could be near my house hold... please let me know what you can.

  4. What is that type of entity called? And where can I get any info on the types of entities she comes acrossed? That one drawing scares the cap out of me, and what she says it does sound even worse! I have a bad feeling something like that could be near my house hold... please let me know what you can.

    1. I am just a fan who used to blog. Amy is on Twitter @amyallantdf if you want to ask. If you feel you need help, go to

  5. The drawing scares me too, been trying to give up my hold on pain pills since this first aired. As for the name of the creature, I don't know. I don't work for the show, I was just a fan who used to blog about it. Amy is on Twitter @amyallantdf. You can try asking her.

  6. The tall skinny entity made me think of something from my past.
