I jokingly refer to May as "Dead Files month"
because it starts with Steve's birthday
and ends with Amy's.

Happy birthday to our favorite
physical medium.
Amy Allan is from Denver, Colorado,
born May 31, 19(mumbles year).
During her pre-teens, she moved to Long Island where she experimented with her abilities.

Later she became a psychologist
and a bodyworker.
Amy lived in Yugoslavia for some time,
and did some traveling during the war
and helped in the refugee effort.
For many years, Amy has used her ability
to help people (living and dead).
Then one day, she was asked to
do a little show on the Travel Channel
called the Dead Files.
This is the medium we all know and love.
to help people (living and dead).

do a little show on the Travel Channel
called the Dead Files.
Thanks for your blog, Marti. Amy and Steve Rock!